30 April, 2009

Episode 11 - More Socks!

In which we continue The Arabian Nights Entertainments by Andrew Lang

Stories include: The Story of the Third Calender, Son of a King

Listen to the Episode

Topics Include:


I'm using Opal Crocodile (see my project) (both Ravelry links)

Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock Heavyweight in Thraven (a Raven Clan colorway)- good for manly socks - squishy, soft, don't felt too much.

Knitting another set of Noro knee-highs!

Discussion of Cascade Fixation (see my first pair of socks) & Claudia's Handpaints for sock yarns - my advice: take a pass. (Ravelry links)

Update! I fixed Sean's mom's green socks.

Cookie A.'s new sock book! Whoo hoo!

Pretty pattern Kai-Mei, & other awesome patterns (Ravelry links)

Awesome new sock book by Stephanie van der Linden
check out the patterns!(Ravelry link)

Other items of knitterly interest:

Thinking of making an Ingenue cardigan with Silky Flamme (Ravelry link)

Knitterly denial - I bought more Silky Flamme! Even though it pills! Oh well, I just like it.

Will you join me in The Great Sweater Rip and Re-knit of 2009? Or am I just nuts?

Spinning thoughts:

In which I talk about spindles, my lovely lichen handspun, spindle-spun yarn, & Ghostworks on Etsy - awesome spindles! Cheap, balanced, long-spinning, pretty to look at! Check out mine on Flickr.

Crazy Monkey on Etsy for crazy yarn & fiber!

Spring Cleaning!

Please check out a bunch of unused or gently worn shoes and clothes I'm putting on Ebay with low prices. All fashion styles represented!

By the end of Friday May 1st I will have the wonderfully quirky illustrations of Alice in Wonderland that I read from up on this site (Stitches in Time show notes) for you to enjoy. The book will also be going up on Ebay. It would make an especially great edition to read from to a child. The pictures are that awesome! Ok, I love books too much! I'm saving this one for myself, but I will make sure to share a book next time that will actually be for sale!

[Click to enlarge]

By the end of Saturday May 2nd I will have a number of beautifully bound antiquarian books also on Ebay, please check back!

Whoops! Time got away from me. I will post a notice when I have some books on Ebay.

Thank you for listening! Let me know if you want to join me in a rip and re-knitalong!

19 April, 2009

Spring Excuses

Oooh, the last 20 days have gone so quickly! This week didn't produce a podcast as I hurried about doing my Spring cleaning in preparation for a visit from my family. Stay tuned, I've got an episode planned for the coming week!